ISSN : 2614-8218 (Online) | ISSN: 2614-610X (Cetak)
Jurnal Kedokteran STM (Sains dan Teknologi Medik) is a journal that covers the scope of medical science, especially basic medicine, molecular biology, and medical education. This journal is one of the journals under the Faculty of Medicine UISU that is used as a forum for pouring research results and thoughts in the form of scientific writing in medicine. Jurnal Kedokteran STM (Sains dan Teknologi Medik) is published 2 times a year, namely in January and July wich the first issue is January 2018. The incoming manuscript will be accepted by the editor and then a similarity check will be carried out with the Plagiarism Checker application. The review process is carried out using peer review.

STM Medical Journal accepts manuscripts with mainly basic medicine and medical education, you can find out more about the focus and scope on the following link: Focus and Scope.

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Journal Jurnal Kedokteran STM (Sains dan Teknologi Medik)
Subject Medical Science and Medical Education
Language Indonesia
ISSN 2614-8218 (Online), 2614-610X (Print)
Frecuency Twice a year (January, July)
Editor-in-chief Surya Akbar
Publisher Medical Faculty of UISU
Citation Analysis

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Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2025): Januari 2025
Published: 2025-01-01

Artikel Penelitian

Tinjauan Pustaka

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