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Withdrawal and Retraction Policy
Withdrawal and Retraction Policy
We acknowledge that authors work diligently in preparing their manuscripts, and we have conducted a thorough peer-review process. However, there is always the possibility that a publication may need to be retracted or even withdrawn for scientific reasons. This should not be done arbitrarily and should only occur in exceptional circumstances. Therefore, if necessary, retraction and withdrawal will be conducted based on strict criteria to maintain the integrity of the journal’s electronic records. Our goal and policy are to preserve the integrity and completeness of important scientific documents as research records for researchers and librarians.
Withdrawal Authors are allowed to withdraw articles they have submitted if the manuscript has not yet gone through the review process. If the manuscript has already gone through the review process, the author will be required to pay a withdrawal fee equivalent to the publication cost. Notification of article withdrawal must be made through OJS and may not be communicated through other channels. If the author fails to pay the required withdrawal fee, the author will be added to the journal’s blacklist. Authors placed on the blacklist will be prohibited from submitting articles to any journals published by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara.
Retraction Jurnal Kedokteran STM (Sains dan Teknologi Medik) contributes to the integrity of the scientific record. Therefore, an article may be retracted if one or more of the following issues occur:
Substantial Scientific Error: There is a significant scientific error that undermines the conclusions of the article, such as when there is clear evidence that the findings are inaccurate, either as a result of a mistake (e.g., data fabrication) or an honest error (e.g., misunderstanding, lack of data, or information).
Duplicate Publication: The research has been published elsewhere without proper citation, authorization, or justification (i.e., a case of excessive publication).
Plagiarism: There is evidence of plagiarism (theft of ideas, methods, findings, or words from others without proper attribution, particularly when obtained through secret study of others' manuscripts) or inappropriate authorship.
Jurnal Kedokteran STM (Sains dan Teknologi Medik) follows the retraction procedures outlined below to ensure that retractions are handled in accordance with best publishing practices and COPE Retraction Guidelines.