Author Guidelines

Jurnal Ibnu Sina is a medical and health journal published twice a year, in January and July. This journal is managed by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara. Articles in this journal cover various fields, including basic medical sciences, clinical medicine, Islamic medicine, public health, and medical education, all of which contribute to the advancement of medical and health sciences.

Types of Articles

The articles published in Jurnal Ibnu Sina include:

  1. Research Articles: These are scholarly works resulting from research, whether derived from theses, dissertations, or other types of studies.
    Writing Systematics:
    1. Title, abstract, and keywords are written in both Indonesian and English.
    2. The introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references are written in Indonesian.
  2. Case Reports: These are articles discussing interesting or rare cases, accompanied by their management.
    Writing Systematics:
    1. Title, abstract, and keywords are written in both Indonesian and English.
    2. The introduction, case illustration, discussion, conclusion, and references are written in Indonesian.
  3. Literature Reviews: These are articles covering all types of scholarly works other than research findings. A literature review involves examining a theory, developing models, describing certain facts or phenomena, and evaluating the latest medical/health science products.
    Writing Systematics:
    1. Title, abstract, and keywords are written in both Indonesian and English.
    2. The introduction, discussion, conclusion, and references are written in Indonesian.
  4. Systematic Reviews: These are research articles that review all relevant studies on a specific research question, topic, or phenomenon, and present them in a comprehensive and balanced way.
    Writing Systematics:
    1. Title, abstract, and keywords are written in both Indonesian and English.
    2. The introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references are written in Indonesian.
  5. Book Reviews: These are articles that provide a brief overview and critique of a book (its strengths and weaknesses), along with comparisons to other scientific references. The title and content are written in Indonesian.

General Guidelines

  1. The article must not have been previously published or accepted for publication in any other media.
  2. The article should be written in proper and correct Indonesian, following narrative writing rules.
  3. Scientific terms should be written according to established writing standards.
  4. The article should follow the journal's format, which can be downloaded via the provided link. Articles that do not comply with the format will be returned to the authors, who will have the opportunity to make corrections.
  5. Citation and reference list should follow the American Medical Association (AMA) style. Authors may use computer applications like Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, or other similar tools.
  6. Authors must submit the article through the website:
  7. Authors can track the progress of their article submission through the website.
  8. Authors will receive notifications about the acceptance, revisions, or rejection of their article via email.
  9. Once uploaded, the article will follow a process as outlined in the following flowchart:

Article Checklist

  1. The article is an original work and not a plagiarism from any source, whether published or unpublished.
  2. The article has never been published before and will not be published in any other media.
  3. The article has received approval from the ethics committee or has considered research ethics that can be accounted for.
  4. The article follows the Jurnal Ibnu Sina template.
  5. The author is fully responsible for the content of the article.

Publication Fees

The publication fee for articles in Ibnu Sina: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara starting from August 1, 2024, is IDR 600,000. The fee is to be paid in two stages:

  1. Submission Fee: IDR 200,000 (to be paid after submission).
  2. Publication Fee: IDR 400,000 (to be paid after the review process is completed).