• Meri Susanti Idris Medical Faculty of Universitas Islam Sumatra Utara
Keywords: Adolescents, Mental health, Well-being, Psychoeducation


The high prevalence of mental health problems in Indonesia requires comprehensive treatment. Psychoeducation is one of the effective techniques to increase knowledge, understanding, and awareness. This activity was carried out on adolescents attending junior and senior high school who are members of the Karang Taruna organization in Desa Besar II Terjun Pantai Cermin Serdang Berdagai, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

Psychoeducation is carried out on adolescents aged 12-18 years, with lecture, simulation, and discussion methods. The results achieved in this service activity are an overview of adolescent mental well-being, actions to overcome stress, and the ability to adapt, build relationships, solve problems, and make decisions. The benefits of activities to prevent and reduce the risk of mental issues faced in their daily lives.


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Artikel Pengabdian Masyarakat